Results analysis: Bellevue Healthcare Trust
Bellevue Healthcare (BBH) has built an impressive track record since its launch in 2016. The trust runs a concentrated portfolio of growth-oriented healthcare companies, with no sectoral or geographical limits imposed on the managers.
Last year was not easy for growth investors in the healthcare sector. Smaller, earlier stage businesses were seen as being more susceptible to the risks incurred by rising interest rates and a wider economic downturn. At the same time, with bonds and equities falling concurrently, investors tended to de-risk and allocate more of their equity exposure to large caps than smaller companies. An easing of recessionary fears and a downshift in the pace of rate hikes was likely a factor in BBH’s better performance in the second half of the year and through into 2023. Read more about the analysis on Kepler Trust Intelligence.
Last year was not easy for growth investors in the healthcare sector. Smaller, earlier stage businesses were seen as being more susceptible to the risks incurred by rising interest rates and a wider economic downturn. At the same time, with bonds and equities falling concurrently, investors tended to de-risk and allocate more of their equity exposure to large caps than smaller companies. An easing of recessionary fears and a downshift in the pace of rate hikes was likely a factor in BBH’s better performance in the second half of the year and through into 2023. Read more about the analysis on Kepler Trust Intelligence.